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Relationships for 3D (Feature Service/Layer)


The relationshipsfor3d resource returns information about the relationship between the layer and the asset map and asset table of a 3D object feature layer.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

The following is a sample request URL used to access the relationshipsfor3d resource:

JSON Response syntax

  "relationships": [
      "id": <id>,
      "name": "<name>",
      "catalogID": "<catalogId>",
      "backwardPathLabel": "<pathLabel>",
      "originLayerId": <originLayerId>,
      "originPrimaryKey": "<originPrimaryKey>",
      "forwardPathLabel": "<forwardPathLabel>",
      "destinationLayerId": <destinationLayerId>,
      "originForeignKey": "<originForeignKey>",
      "rules": [],
      "cardinality": <esriRelCardinalityOneToOne | esriRelCardinalityOneToMany | esriRelCardinalityManyToMany>,
      "attributed": <true | false>,
      "composite": <true | false>

JSON Response example

  "relationships": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "FC3DObject2_3DORCAM",
      "catalogID": "{8D5DAD58-3007-489C-B93D-DFD5E8BDBB23}",
      "backwardPathLabel": "belongs to feature",
      "originLayerId": 0,
      "originPrimaryKey": "GlobalID",
      "forwardPathLabel": "has asset info",
      "destinationLayerId": 1,
      "originForeignKey": "ESRI3DO_PID",
      "rules": [],
      "cardinality": "esriRelCardinalityOneToMany",
      "attributed": false,
      "composite": true
      "id": 1,
      "name": "FC3DObject2_3DORCAT",
      "catalogID": "{27B89B31-132C-4EC0-A696-19E623837222}",
      "backwardPathLabel": "is BLOB",
      "originLayerId": 2,
      "originPrimaryKey": "ESRI3DO_AHASH",
      "forwardPathLabel": "has asset info",
      "destinationLayerId": 1,
      "originForeignKey": "ESRI3DO_AHASH",
      "rules": [],
      "cardinality": "esriRelCardinalityOneToMany",
      "attributed": false,
      "composite": false