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Image Service Job


The Image Service job resource represents a job submitted using the Export Tiles (Image Service) or Estimate Export Tile Size (Image Service) operations. It provides basic information about the job such as the job ID, status, and messages. Additionally, if the job has successfully completed, it provides information about the result parameters as well as the input parameters.

All result values can be accessed via the Image Service Result. The JSON response specifies a relative URL to the result resource with a paramUrl field. Similarly, all input parameter values are accessed via the Image Service Input. The JSON response specifies a relative URL to the input resource with a paramUrl field as well.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example usage

JSON Response syntax

            {"jobId" : "<jobId>","jobStatus" : "<jobStatus>","results" : {"<param1>" : {"paramUrl" : "<relativeUrlToParam1>"},"<param2>" : {"paramUrl" : "<relativeUrlToParam2>"}},"inputs" : {"<param1>" : {"paramUrl" : "<relativeUrlToParam1>"},"<param2>" : {"paramUrl" : "<relativeUrlToParam2>"}},"messages" : [{"type" : "<type1>", "description" : "<description1>"},{"type" : "<type2>", "description" : "<description2>"}]}

JSON Response example

 "jobId": "j1fb60facc9194208929f90a7fd64fc9d",
 "jobStatus": "esriJobSucceeded",
 "results": {
  "out_service_url": {
   "paramUrl": "results/out_service_url"
 "inputs": {
  "service_url": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/service_url"
  "target_cache": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/target_cache"
  "storage_format_type": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/storage_format_type"
  "copy_data_from_server": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/copy_data_from_server"
  "thread_count": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/thread_count"
  "tile_package": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/tile_package"
  "export_extent": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/export_extent"
  "levels": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/levels"
  "replace_existing_tiles": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/replace_existing_tiles"
  "area_of_interest": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/area_of_interest"
  "temp_output_path": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/temp_output_path"
  "export_options": {
   "paramUrl": "inputs/export_options"
 "messages": [
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Executing (Export Cache): ExportCache WorldImagery:ImageServer # COMPACT TRUE 1 TRUE # 0-2 FALSE \"Feature Set\" # {\"requestMode\":\"REST\",\"exportBy\":\"levelId\",\"recompress\":false,\"recompressQuality\":90}"
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Start Time: Tue Oct  1 10:05:23 2013"
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Finished:: 2 percent"
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Finished:: 2 percent"
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Estimated Time Remaining: Calculating..."
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Estimated Time Remaining: Calculating..."
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Finished:: 11 percent"
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Estimated Time Remaining: Calculating..."
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Finished:: 32 percent"
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Estimated Time Remaining: Calculating..."
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Finished:: 96 percent"
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Estimated Time Remaining: Calculating..."
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Finished:: 96 percent"
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Estimated Time Remaining: Calculating..."
   "type": "esriJobMessageTypeInformative",
   "description": "Succeeded at Tue Oct  1 10:05:55 2013 (Elapsed Time: 31.72 seconds)"