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Load Diagram


The loadDiagram operation is performed on a schematic diagram template resource. The result of this operation is a Schematic Diagram Content Object.

It is used to load a schematic diagram in memory.

You can provide arguments to the loadDiagram operation as query parameters defined in the parameters table below.

Request Parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json



The diagram name.

Example: name=ESTANCIA

Example Usage

Example 1: loadDiagram operation on the GWC_CorinthNorth diagram based on the WithCounty diagram template (id=3) under the S1_Schematics sample Schematics service

Example 2: loadDiagram operation on the ARACAIU diagram based on the InsideGasPlants diagram template (id=0) under the S2_InternalPlants sample Schematics service

JSON Response Syntax

  "name": "<DiagramName>",
  "extent": <envelope>,
  "layers": [
  //First feature layer
      "featureSet": {
        "displayFieldName": "",
        "fieldAliases": {
          "<field1>": "<aliasField1>",
          "<fieldN>": "<aliasFieldN>"
        "geometryType": "<esriGeometryPoint | esriGeometryPolyline | esriGeometryPolygon>",
        "spatialReference": <spatialReference>,
        "fields": [
            "name": "<field1Name>",
            "type": <field1Type>,
            "alias": "<field1Alias>"
            "name": "<fieldNName>",
            "type": <fieldNType>,
            "alias": "<fieldNAlias>"
        "features": [
        ]  //List of the schematic feature objects for this feature layer that are contained in the diagram
      "featureClassID": <featureClassID1>, //This corresponds to the OBJECTID of the schematic feature class related to the layer
      "selectedIDs": [
      ] //List of the SCHEMATICTID for each schematic feature currently selected in this layer
    //Next feature layer
  "rootNodes": [
  ], //List of the SCHEMATICTID of the root schematic feature nodes
  "endNodes": [
  ] //List of the SCHEMATICTID of the end schematic feature nodes

JSON Response Example

//This sample diagram content corresponds to a small diagram containing only three schematic feature nodes and two schematic feature links
  "name": "SmallDiagram",
  "extent": {
    "xmin": -20188492.5143,
    "ymin": 13197754.015000001,
    "xmax": -15695315.069899999,
    "ymax": 18282139.017800003,
    "spatialReference": {
      "wkid": 102585,
      "latestWkid": 102585
  "layers": [
  //The first layer corresponds to the only link schematic feature class associated with the schematic diagram template on which this diagram is based
      "featureSet": {
        "displayFieldName": "",
        "fieldAliases": {
        //The 21 first fields below are always the same for a layer which references a link schematic feature class
          "ID": "ID",
          "UCID": "UCID",
          "UOID": "UOID",
          "USID": "USID",
          "SUBTYPE": "SUBTYPE",
          "FROMTID": "FROMTID",
          "TOTID": "TOTID",
          "FROMPORT": "FROMPORT",
          "TOPORT": "TOPORT",
          "UGUID": "UGUID",
          //The next Category field corresponds to a custom attribute for this link schematic feature class
          "Category": "Category",
          "SHAPE.len": "SHAPE.len"
        "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolyline",
        "spatialReference": {
          "wkid": 102585,
          "latestWkid": 102585
        "fields": [
            "name": "ID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
            "alias": "ID"
            "name": "DIAGRAMCLASSID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "DIAGRAMCLASSID"
            "name": "DIAGRAMOBJECTID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "DIAGRAMOBJECTID"
            "name": "SCHEMATICTID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
            "alias": "SCHEMATICTID",
            "length": 128
            "name": "ISINITIAL",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "ISINITIAL"
            "name": "ISDISPLAYED",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "ISDISPLAYED"
            "name": "RELATIONOBJECTID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "RELATIONOBJECTID"
            "name": "RELATIONCLASSID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "RELATIONCLASSID"
            "name": "DATASOURCEID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "DATASOURCEID"
            "name": "UCID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "UCID"
            "name": "UOID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "UOID"
            "name": "USID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "USID"
            "name": "UPDATESTATUS",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "UPDATESTATUS"
            "name": "SUBTYPE",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "SUBTYPE"
            "name": "PROPERTYSET",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeBlob",
            "alias": "PROPERTYSET"
            "name": "FROMTID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
            "alias": "FROMTID",
            "length": 128
            "name": "TOTID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
            "alias": "TOTID", "length": 128
            "name": "FROMPORT",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "FROMPORT"
            "name": "TOPORT",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "TOPORT"
            "name": "FLOWDIRECTION",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "FLOWDIRECTION"
            "name": "UGUID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeGUID",
            "alias": "UGUID",
            "length": 38
            "name": "Category",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
            "alias": "Category",
            "length": 50
            "name": "SHAPE.len",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
            "alias": "SHAPE.len"
        //The next Features section details the two schematic feature links based on this layer that are contained in the sample diagram
        "features": [
            "attributes": {
              "ID": 1,
              "DIAGRAMCLASSID": 948,
              "DIAGRAMOBJECTID": 2,
              "SCHEMATICTID": "1299-5-0",
              "ISINITIAL": -1,
              "ISDISPLAYED": -1,
              "RELATIONOBJECTID": -2,
              "RELATIONCLASSID": -2,
              "DATASOURCEID": 1,
              "UCID": 1299,
              "UOID": 5,
              "USID": 0,
              "UPDATESTATUS": 1,
              "SUBTYPE": 0,
              "FROMTID": "1296-38-0",
              "TOTID": "1296-41-0",
              "FROMPORT": 0,
              "TOPORT": 0,
              "FLOWDIRECTION": 1,
              "UGUID": null,
              "Category": "Big",
              "SHAPE.len": 0
            "geometry": {
              "paths": [
              "spatialReference": {
                "wkid": 102585,
                "latestWkid": 102585
            "attributes": {
              "ID": 2,
              "DIAGRAMCLASSID": 948,
              "DIAGRAMOBJECTID": 2,
              "SCHEMATICTID": "1299-6-0",
              "ISINITIAL": -1,
              "ISDISPLAYED": -1,
              "RELATIONOBJECTID": -2,
              "RELATIONCLASSID": -2,
              "DATASOURCEID": 1,
              "UCID": 1299,
              "UOID": 6,
              "USID": 0,
              "UPDATESTATUS": 1,
              "SUBTYPE": 0,
              "FROMTID": "1296-38-0",
              "TOTID": "1296-40-0",
              "FROMPORT": 0,
              "TOPORT": 0,
              "FLOWDIRECTION": 1,
              "UGUID": null,
              "Category": "Small",
              "SHAPE.len": 0
            "geometry": {
              "paths": [
              "spatialReference": {
                "wkid": 102585,
                "latestWkid": 102585
      //The following featureClassID item identifies the ID of the link schematic feature class related to the layer
      "featureClassID": 947
      "featureSet": {
        "displayFieldName": "",
        "fieldAliases": {
        //The 19 first fields below are always the same for a layer which references a node schematic feature class
          "ID": "ID",
          "UCID": "UCID",
          "UOID": "UOID",
          "USID": "USID",
          "SUBTYPE": "SUBTYPE",
          "INITIALX": "INITIALX",
          "INITIALY": "INITIALY",
          "ROTATION": "ROTATION",
          "UGUID": "UGUID",
          //The next Type and Name fields correspond to two custom attributes for this node schematic feature class
          "Type": "Type",
          "Name": "Name"
        "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
        "spatialReference": {
          "wkid": 102585,
          "latestWkid": 102585
        "fields": [
            "name": "ID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
            "alias": "ID"
            "name": "DIAGRAMCLASSID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "DIAGRAMCLASSID"
            "name": "DIAGRAMOBJECTID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "DIAGRAMOBJECTID"
            "name": "SCHEMATICTID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
            "alias": "SCHEMATICTID",
            "length": 128
            "name": "ISINITIAL",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "ISINITIAL"
            "name": "ISDISPLAYED",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "ISDISPLAYED"
            "name": "RELATIONOBJECTID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "RELATIONOBJECTID"
            "name": "RELATIONCLASSID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "RELATIONCLASSID"
            "name": "DATASOURCEID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "DATASOURCEID"
            "name": "UCID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "UCID"
            "name": "UOID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "UOID"
            "name": "USID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "USID"
            "name": "UPDATESTATUS",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "UPDATESTATUS"
            "name": "SUBTYPE",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
            "alias": "SUBTYPE"
            "name": "PROPERTYSET",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeBlob",
            "alias": "PROPERTYSET"
            "name": "INITIALX",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
            "alias": "INITIALX"
            "name": "INITIALY",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
            "alias": "INITIALY"
            "name": "ROTATION",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
            "alias": "ROTATION"
            "name": "UGUID",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeGUID",
            "alias": "UGUID",
            "length": 38
            "name": "Type",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
            "alias": "Type",
            "length": 1
            "name": "Name",
            "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
            "alias": "Name",
            "length": 50
        //The next Features section details the three schematic feature nodes based on this layer that are contained in the sample diagram
        "features": [
            "attributes": {
              "ID": 1,
              "DIAGRAMCLASSID": 948,
              "DIAGRAMOBJECTID": 2,
              "SCHEMATICTID": "1296-38-0",
              "ISINITIAL": -1,
              "ISDISPLAYED": -1,
              "RELATIONOBJECTID": -2,
              "RELATIONCLASSID": -2,
              "DATASOURCEID": 1,
              "UCID": 1296,
              "UOID": 38,
              "USID": 0,
              "UPDATESTATUS": 1,
              "SUBTYPE": 0,
              "INITIALX": -15695315.0699,
              "INITIALY": 15956722.621099999,
              "ROTATION": 0,
              "UGUID": null,
              "Type": "E",
              "Name": "ROMY"
            "geometry": {
              "x": -15695315.069899999, 
              "y": 15956722.621100001,
              "spatialReference": {
                "wkid": 102585,
                "latestWkid": 102585
            "attributes": {
              "ID": 2,
              "DIAGRAMCLASSID": 948,
              "DIAGRAMOBJECTID": 2,
              "SCHEMATICTID": "1296-40-0",
              "ISINITIAL": -1,
              "ISDISPLAYED": -1,
              "RELATIONOBJECTID": -2,
              "RELATIONCLASSID": -2,
              "DATASOURCEID": 1,
              "UCID": 1296,
              "UOID": 40,
              "USID": 0,
              "UPDATESTATUS": 1,
              "SUBTYPE": 0,
              "INITIALX": -18257214.489999998,
              "INITIALY": 13197754.015000001,
              "ROTATION": 0,
              "UGUID": null,
              "Type": "D",
              "Name": "TAGA"
            "geometry": {
              "x": -18257214.489999998, 
              "y": 13197754.015000001,
              "spatialReference": {
                "wkid": 102585,
                "latestWkid": 102585
            "attributes": {
              "ID": 3,
              "DIAGRAMCLASSID": 948,
              "DIAGRAMOBJECTID": 2,
              "SCHEMATICTID": "1296-41-0",
              "ISINITIAL": -1,
              "ISDISPLAYED": -1,
              "RELATIONOBJECTID": -2,
              "RELATIONCLASSID": -2,
              "DATASOURCEID": 1,
              "UCID": 1296,
              "UOID": 41,
              "USID": 0,
              "UPDATESTATUS": 1,
              "SUBTYPE": 0,
              "INITIALX": -20188492.5143,
              "INITIALY": 18282139.0178,
              "ROTATION": 0,
              "UGUID": null,
              "Type": "A",
              "Name": "UMOL"
            "geometry": {
              "x": -20188492.5143,
              "y": 18282139.017800003,
              "spatialReference": {
                "wkid": 102585,
                "latestWkid": 102585
      //The following featureClassID item identifies the ID of the node schematic feature class related to the layer
      "featureClassID": 946