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Network Dataset Layer


The network dataset layer resource represents a single network dataset layer in routing services published by ArcGIS Server. It provides basic information about the network dataset layer, such as its name, type, locate settings, travel modes, and other information as in the JSON syntax below. It also provides information about the network dataset, such as name build time, build state, network attributes and, network sources.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example usage

Below is a sample request URL for the network dataset layer resource:<serviceFolderName>/<serviceName>/NAServer/<layerName>?token=<yourToken>&f=pjson

JSON Response syntax

Below is a sample JSON response syntax example for network dataset layer.

  "layerName": "<layerName>",
  "layerType": "esriNAServerNetworkDatasetLayer",
  "networkDataset": {
    "name": "<name>",
    "buildTime": <buildTime> ,
    "state": "<state>",
    "networkAttributes": [
        "name": "<name>",
        "dataType": "<dataType>",
        "units": "<units>",
        "usageType": "esriNAUTCost | esriNAUTRestriction | esriNAUTDescriptor | esriNAUTHierarchy",
        "parameterNames": [
        "restrictionUsageParameterName": "<restrictionUsageParameterName>",
        "trafficSupport": "esriNTSNone | esriNTSHistorical | esriNTSHistoricalAndLive"
    "networkSources": [
        "name": "<name>",
        "elementType": "esriNETEdge | esriNETJunction | esriNETTurn",
        "sourceType": "esriNSTEdgeFeature | esriNSTJunctionFeature | esriNSTTurnFeature",
        "id": <id> ,
        "fields": [{
            "name": "<name>",
            "type": "<type>",
            "alias": "<alias>"
  "hasZ": true | false,
  "outputSpatialReference": {
    "wkid": <wkid>
  "locateSettings": {
    "default": {
      "tolerance": <value> ,
      "toleranceUnits": "<units>",
      "allowAutoRelocate": true | false,
      "sources": [{
          "name": "<sourceName>",
          "where": "<whereClause>"
  "defaultTravelMode": {
    "name": "<name>",
    "itemId": "<itemId>",
    "type": "<type>",
    "description": "<description>",
    "timeAttributeName": "<timeAttributeName>",
    "distanceAttributeName": "<distanceAttributeName>",
    "impedanceAttributeName": "<impedanceAttributeName>",
    "restrictionAttributeNames": [
    "attributeParameterValues": [{
        "attributeName": "<attributeName>",
        "parameterName": "<parameterName>",
        "value": "<value>"
    "useHierarchy": true | false,
    "uturnAtJunctions": "esriNFSBAtDeadEndsAndIntersections | esriNFSBAllowBacktrack | esriNFSBAtDeadEndsOnly | esriNFSBNoBacktrack",
    "simplificationTolerance": <value> ,
    "simplificationToleranceUnits": "<units>"