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Query Associated Schematic Features


The queryAssociatedSchematicFeatures operation is performed on a schematic diagram template resource. The result of this operation is a list of schematic features ID per schematic feature class ID. It is used to retrieve the schematic features contained in a diagram that are associated with a set of objects.

The associatedFeatures object returned by the REST API gives the associated schematic features as a list of schematic features names per schematic feature class ID as follows:

  • featureClassID: The schematic feature class ID (Long).
  • objectName: An array of schematic feature names (String), each name corresponding to the SCHEMATICID field value for the schematic feature in the schematic feature class.

You can provide arguments to the queryAssociatedSchematicFeatures operation as query parameters defined in the parameters table below.

Request Parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json



The diagram name.

Syntax: name=<diagramName>

Example: name=ESTANCIA



The list of the GIS features/objects IDs per feature class/table name for which the operation has to retrieved the associated schematic features.

Each GIS feature/object ID corresponds to a value of the OBJECTID field in the GIS feature class/table.


       "objectClassName" : "<objectClassName1>", 
       "objectIDs" : [<objectClassName1_ID1>,..., <objectClassName1_IDN>]
       "objectClassName" : "<objectClassNameN>", 
       "objectIDs" : [<objectClassNameN_ID1>,..., <objectClassNameN_IDM>]

Example: selection = [{"objectClassName": "PipelinesDatabase.SDE.pug_PUG_gas_plants", "objectIDs": [3]}]

Example usage

Example 1: queryAssociatedSchematicFeatures on the MPS_Goldmine diagram, based on the template which ID is 2 under the S1_Schematics Schematics sample service, with [{"objectClassName": "PrimaryLine", "objectIDs": [1554]}] for the selection parameter, returns the only schematic feature link associated with the PrimaryLine GIS feature which OBJECTID is '1554'.

Example 2: queryAssociatedSchematicFeatures on the Substation 08 diagram, based on the template which ID is 1, under the S1_Schematics Schematics sample service, with [{"objectClassName": "Substation", "objectIDs": [1]}] for the selection parameter, returns all the schematic features associated with the Substation GIS feature which OBJECTID is '1'. This substation is associated with all the schematic features contained in the Substation 08 diagram.

JSON Response syntax

  "associatedFeatures" : [
      "featureClassID" : <schFeatureClass1ID>,
      "objectNames" : [
      "featureClassID" : <schFeatureClass2ID>,
      "objectNames" : [

JSON Response example

The following is an example for a given diagram with selection = {"objectClassName" : "PipelinesDatabase.SDE.pug_PUG_gas_plants", "objectIDs" : [3] }

  "associatedFeatures" : [
      "featureClassID" : 885,
      "objectNames" : [