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The results resource provides all the output parameters of an asynchronous job. Instead of querying each output parameter as the results parameter resource does, this results resource provides all the output parameters in list format. See the jobs resource for more information about an asynchronous geoprocessing job. See Geoprocessing services data types for the syntax of an output parameter.


The processing and transferring of large data can be slow when there are several large feature class outputs. Consider using an output feature service instead, and query the feature service separately.

To query an individual output parameter, see the results parameter resource.

Request parameter


Description: The response format. The default is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

For a job that does not have a succeeded status, such as a cancelled or failed job, there is no link or relative URL from the jobs resource; however you can construct the request manually in the format of<ServiceName>/GPServer/<TaskName>/jobs/<jobID>/results. The request parameter above still applies.

Request example

For a MailingList task job, you can access the output parameters with the following URL:

Obtain all the outputs for the job with a job ID of jdb4cce48c464424e913c15c4f419b32a.

JSON Response syntax

The JSON response is a list of inputs. The syntax of each input is in the results parameter resource.

The response is a list.

    "paramName" : "<parameter name 1>",
    "dataType" : "<data type 1>",
    "value" : <literal or object 1>
    "paramName" : "<parameter name 2>",
    "dataType" : "<data type 2>",
    "value" : <literal or object 2>

JSON Response example

A sample response containing a date output and a file output.

  "paramName": "Output_Date",
  "dataType": "GPDate",
  "value": 1672531201000
  "paramName": "Output_File",
  "dataType": "GPDataFile",
  "value": {
    "url": ""