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Schematic Algorithms


The Schematic Algorithms resource represents all the schematic algorithms available for a diagram template. It is returned as an array of Schematic Algorithm resources by the REST API.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example usage

Example 1: The schematic algorithms available for the diagram template which id is '2' under the S1_Schematics public sample Schematics service

Example 2: The schematic algorithms available for the diagram template which id is '0' under the S2_InternalPlants public sample Schematics service

JSON Response syntax

            "algorithms": [
    <algorithm1—See the Schematic Algorithm topic for the JSON Syntax>,
    <algorithmN—See the Schematic Algorithm topic for the JSON Syntax>

Learn about Schematic Algorithm—JSON Syntax

JSON Response example

            //Sample syntax response where the Square Links, Bypass Nodes, and Hierarchical - Compact Tree are the only available algorithms on a diagram template 
 "algorithms": [
  //Sample syntax response for the Square Links algorithm
     "id" : 0,
     "name" : "Square Links",
     "parameters" :[
         "name" : "&PreservePath", 
         "type" : "Boolean", 
         "value" : true 
  //Sample syntax response for the Bypass Nodes algorithm
     "id" : 1,
     "name" : "Bypass Nodes"
  //Sample syntax response for the Hierarchical - Compact Tree algorithm
     "id" : 2,
     "name" : "Hierarchical - Compact Tree",
     "parameters" :[
         "name" : "Direction", 
         "type" : "Long", 
         "value" : 2 
         "name" : "SpacingAlongDirection", 
         "type" : "Double", 
         "value" : 2 
         "name" : "SpacingPerpendicularToDirection", 
         "type" : "Double", 
         "value" : 2 
         "name" : "BreakPoint", 
         "type" : "Double", 
         "value" : 0.5 
         "name" : "OrthogonalDisplay", 
         "type" : "Boolean", 
         "value" : False 
         "name" : "AbsoluteUnits", 
         "type" : "Boolean", 
         "value" : True 