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Validate Network Topology


Validating the network topology for a trace network maintains consistency between feature editing space and network topology space. Validating a network topology may include all or a subset of the dirty areas present in the network.

The active portal account must be licensed with theArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension to use this operation.

Request parameters


Description: Optional property representing the output format of the response. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json


Description: Optional property specifying the name of the geodatabase version. The default is Default.

Syntax: gdbVersion=<version>


Description: Optional property representing the token (GUID) used to lock the version. If the calling client is editing a named version, the sessionId must be provided; if the client is editing DEFAULT, the version may not be locked and the sessionId should not be specified.

Syntax: sessionId=<guid>


Description: Required property. The envelope of the area to validate.


 "xmin": <minimum x-coordinate>,
 "ymin": <minimum y-coordinate>,
 "xmax": <maximum x-coordinate>,
 "ymax": <maximum y-coordinate>,
 "spatialReference": {
  "wkid": <spatial reference well-known identifier>,
  "latestWkid": <the current wkid value associated with the wkid>	


Description: Optional Boolean property specifying whether to return the modified features. Returned results are organized in a layer-by-layer fashion. If returnEdits is set to true, each layer may have edited features returned in an editedFeatures object.

The editedFeatures object returns full features including the original features prior to delete; the original and current features for updates; and the current rows for inserts, which may contain implicit changes (for example, as a result of a calculation rule).

The response includes no editedFeatures and exceededTransferLimit = true if the count of edited features to return is more than the maxRecordCount. If clients are using this parameter to maintain a cache, they should invalidate the cache when exceededTransferLimit = true is returned. If the server encounters an error when generating the list of edits is the response, exceededTransferLimit = true is also returned.

Edited features are returned in the spatial reference of the feature service as defined by the services spatialReferenceobject or by the spatialReference of the layer's extent object.

The default for this parameter is false.

Values: "true" | "false"

JSON Response syntax

JSON response:

  "moment" : <datetime>,
  "fullUpdate" : <true | false>,
  "validateErrorsCreated" : <true | false>, 
  "dirtyAreaCount" : <long>,
  “exceededTransferLimit : <true | false>,  // only if returnEdits is true 
  “serviceEdits” : [                        // only if returnEdits is true 
      “id” : <layerId>,  
      “editedFeatures” : 
          "adds" : [<currentFeature1>, <currentFeature2>], 
          "updates" : [ 
            [<originalFeature3>, <currentFeature3>], 
            [<originalFeature4>, <currentFeature4>] 
          "deletes" : [<originalFeature5>, <originalFeature6>] 
  "success" : <true | false>,
  "error" : {                   // only if success is false
    "extendedCode" : <HRESULT>,
    "message" : <error message>,
    "details" : [ <detail> ]

Example usage

Validate a specified extent for a trace network using the validateNetworkTopology operation.

Request URL and parameters:

 "xmin": 1034659.2752358826,	
 "ymin": 1871561.7755379943,	
 "xmax": 1034730.4307899779,	
 "ymax": 1871623.0833411064,	
 "spatialReference": {
  "wkid": 102671,
  "latestWkid": 3435	

JSON response:

 "exceededTransferLimit": false,
 "serviceEdits": [
   "id": 5,
   "editedFeatures": {
    "spatialReference": {
     "wkid": 4326,
     "latestWkid": 4326,
     "xyTolerance": 8.983152841195215e-09,
     "zTolerance": 0.00020000000000000001,
     "mTolerance": 0.001,
     "falseX": -400,
     "falseY": -400,
     "xyUnits": 999999999.999999881,
     "falseZ": -100000,
     "zUnits": 10000,
     "falseM": -100000,
     "mUnits": 10000
    "adds": [
      "attributes": {
       "OBJECTID": 3,
       "GLOBALID": "{BFB2C23B-44D3-42CA-AD85-6ED841F405AE}"
      "geometry": {
       "x": -79.7467916069999774,
       "y": 35.76075521100006
      "attributes": {
       "OBJECTID": 4,
       "GLOBALID": "{6645BB68-6F5B-4F63-B9AC-5A03534FA2D1}"
      "geometry": {
       "x": -78.6244635199999493,
       "y": 35.8222526400000447
   "id": 6,
   "editedFeatures": {
    "spatialReference": {
     "wkid": 4326,
     "latestWkid": 4326,
     "xyTolerance": 8.983152841195215e-09,
     "zTolerance": 0.00020000000000000001,
     "mTolerance": 0.001,
     "falseX": -400,
     "falseY": -400,
     "xyUnits": 999999999.999999881,
     "falseZ": -100000,
     "zUnits": 10000,
     "falseM": -100000,
     "mUnits": 10000
    "deletes": [
      "attributes": {
       "OBJECTID": 22,
       "ISRETIRED": 1,
       "STATUS": 0,
       "SOURCEID": 4,
       "GUID": "{F8DFB8B3-2CAB-4858-9B5C-8CC56B036065}",
       "UPDATETYPE": 0,
       "CREATIONDATE": 1602622524000,
       "CREATOR": "tnadmin",
       "LASTUPDATE": 1602622524000,
       "UPDATEDBY": "tnadmin",
       "GLOBALID": "{431D1360-0729-431D-9245-39D4693948AF}",
       "Shape__Area": 0.069020505107294516,
       "Shape__Length": 2.36765175312757492
      "geometry": {
       "rings": [
 "moment": 1602622532489,
 "validateErrorsCreated": false,
 "dirtyAreaCount": 0,
 "fullUpdate": false,
 "success": true