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Vector Tilemap


This resource is optional.

The tilemap resource describes a quadtree of tiles and can be used to avoid requesting tiles that don't exist in the server. Each node of the tree has an associated tile. The root node (lod 0) covers the entire extent of the data. Children are identified by their position with NW, NE, SW, and SE. Tiles are identified by lod/h/v, where h and v are indexes on a 2^lod by 2^lod grid . These values are derived from the position in the tree. The tree has a variable depth. A node doesn’t have children if the complexity of the data in the associated tile is below a threshold. This threshold is based on a combination of number of features, attributes, and vertices.

Example usage

Note: This is an example URL only and is not an active link to an existing attachment.

JSON Response syntax


Where <node> is : [<node>,<node>,<node>,<node>] in order NW,NE,SW,SE with possible values:

1 // tile with no children (referred to as a leaf tile)

0 // no tile (because there's no data here, so the tile file does not exist)

2 // subtree defined in a different index file (to mitigate the index being too large)

JSON Response example
